Here’s what we’ll cover
In a chance meeting, online, in a large and busy facebook group about 18 months ago I met today’s guest Simran Singh.
Simran is an ex-lawyer turned marketing expert. She’s intelligent, articulate and she knows her marketing stuff. Simran & I are walking through her 7 steps to growing a big business when you’ve only got a small following.
So, no, size isn’t everything and today Simran spells out exactly what we should be doing and she’s spelling it out for us in detail.
Links and Resources
- Checkout the Simply Smarter Numbers website HERE
- Checkout the Podcast HERE
- Checkout the Instagram page HERE
- Checkout Simran’s Free download: 3 easy ways to elevate your brand presence and land your first clients
- Checkout Simran’s Blog HERE
- Checkout Simran’s Instagram HERE
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Here’s the shownotes
Jen Waterson
In a chance meeting online in a large and busy Facebook group about 18 months ago, I met today’s guest Simran Singh. Simran is an ex lawyer turned marketing expert. She’s intelligent, she’s articulate, and she knows her marketing stuff.
Simran and I are walking through her seven steps to growing a big business when you’ve only got a small following.
So no, size isn’t everything. And today, Simran spells out exactly what we should be doing, and she’s spelling it out for us in detail, so let’s jump into it. So, welcome to the podcast, Simran.
Simran Singh
Hello, I am so excited to be here.
Jen Waterson
Yeah, I’m equally excited to have you on the podcast as a marketing and strategist I’d feel as though you have a lot that you could offer my audience and I think the hardest part for us was going and breaking it down and saying OK well, which piece of your wisdom are we going to share with the audience today? And we’ve come up with what I think is a really good topic that we’re going to discuss, which I will get to in a moment. But before we do, could you give us all a little bit of an insight into who you are, where you’re from, and what your business is.
Simran Singh
Yeah, I’d love to. So my name is Simran and I am a marketing and business coach. I help new coaches start and grow an online business and really build out the foundations that will set them up for long term growth and get them to that freedom lifestyle. I guess that we are all seeking. I started my online business as a side hustle about a year and a half ago, I would say and I come from a corporate background, so I started my working life as a lawyer before transitioning into marketing about eight years ago.
So now I have been wanting to start an online business for about embarrassingly 15 to 20 years. But I honestly I didn’t know how to translate my corporate skills into a in demand service online, so a couple of years ago I just bit the bullet and thought you know what enough is enough. I have to just start. So I started by doing what I know, which is marketing for law firm. So I was a consultant for boutique law firms and really, building and implementing their marketing strategy. But what I found was I maxed out my capacity very quickly, but what I was finding that it just wasn’t my passion.
Jen Waterson
Yeah, and you’re right, you know that can happen, it’s just because you know how to teach something and you understand something doesn’t mean it’s you’re necessarily gonna be your thing forever.
Simran Singh
Exactly, but the great thing about just diving in for me was that it allowed me to explore what the online world was. And that was really how I was introduced to coaching and truth be told, I had no clue what coaching was when I was working in corporate. So by just diving in I learned so much and I was able to find my jam. So I quickly pivoted into coaching and that is where I am today.
Jen Waterson
Yeah, brilliant. I love it. It’s really interesting though. How does a lawyer become a marketing expert like? Is marketing just something that you felt just naturally kind of resonated with you?
Simran Singh
So I started life as a lawyer, but I knew from when I was even at University that it just wasn’t what it wasn’t fulfilling me in any way, so I moved into marketing, but after doing some further study, uh, I studied a Master of Arts and Communication and then I moved into marketing and it was a really nice balance between law and marketing. They really complemented each other very well because I wanted to stay within the legal industry as well. They very different in their scopes? But they really work harmoniously together ultimately, and I didn’t really want to just give up my law degree. It took me 5 years for God sake to get that law degree I
Jen Waterson
I can understand that completely. I actually spent a lot of years getting my accounting degree and my CPA and all of that sort of thing, but always knowing that it wasn’t really anything that really lit me up the actual accounting. The tax accounting world never lit me up. It was just that it was well paying positions were available, their jobs were in demand, your accountants were in demand and I could get paid. Well, I could work the hours I wanted to work bringing up young kids and all that sort of thing. We actually have an accounting business, so we own a business. We’ve grown a really large accounting business, which is as an aside to my current simply smarter numbers business. I’m very much still in that world, but I understand what you mean though when you say it was just kind of never really lit you up.
Simran Singh
Yes, but I but also not wanting to let it entirely go.
Jen Waterson
Yeah ’cause you know it’s you know what’s logically, what’s good for you, don’t you?
Simran Singh
Yes, exactly, and I think that’s the thing when it comes to starting a business as well. There are kind of two ways to start. You can go down the passion route or you can go down the skill route, but for me I didn’t really know my passion.
I don’t know what I would want to start a business around so it made sense for me to start doing what I know and then finding my passion along the way.
Jen Waterson
That’s great. So do you still today work with in the legal industry as far as you know, business coaching for those that are in the legal industry? Or are you be sort of branched out a little bit more now working with different businesses.
Simran Singh
Yeah, so I quickly like I mentioned I maxed out my clientele at that point and quite quickly as well, because there were very few people who offered that service to boutique law firms. But when I pivoted that legacy of my previous service has remained so I often get contacted by lawyers still to today and I make the decision, you know on the spot whether I decide to work with them, or whether it’s you know I’m I’m a bit busy at this stage and it’s probably not something I can take up, so it’s really a case by case basis, but I don’t ever want to give up that service altogether because it’s my comfort zone.
Jen Waterson
That’s great. Well, what we’re going to talk about today? And I’m really interested to get your take on all of this is something that we, as online business owners, need to deal with at some point, both at a sort of like a mentally and we have to deal with it practically. And that is, how do we grow our big businesses with a small following?
Let’s just explore that a little bit. Growing a big business is something that we all want to put our hand up and say yes, give me a big business.
But we all start off with a small following, potentially don’t we?
Simran Singh
And that’s the thing. Depending on what service you offer, you don’t need a large following. There are some services that potentially do require larger followings if you’re depending on what type of scale your business is at. But you can definitely grow a big business with a small following now small following in adverted commas is relative, so a small following could be 100 people. Small following could be 1000 people. It’s all relative to kind of what you believe it is to be. But what’s important to remember is that whatever following that, you have in place, as long as it’s filled with aligned clients and you nurture your that following you will always be able to grow your business and make money.
Jen Waterson
I think it’s a really important thing for people to understand those that are getting into business and starting to grow their businesses that having this small I say with sort of their fingers here. This small following isn’t something that should hold you back. It isn’t something that we should allow ourselves to use as an excuse for inaction or for not launching certain services?
I think it’s something that we often hear is the talk about the size of people followings and looking at those that we perceive to be as successful in business, and knowing and seeing that they have these huge followings, it can be a bit of a trap for us to fall into.
Simran Singh
Yes, and that’s where they talk about the vanity metrics where people are always chasing the number as opposed to just nurturing the following that you have and building up the confidence that they have in you and that the trust that they have in you because with a small following they can be highly engaged, hugely communicative, and your raving fans, and they will be the people that buy from you. So that could be one person. It could be 5, it could be 1000.
Jen Waterson
Yeah, and depending on what your actual service offer is you don’t need hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of clients potentially you only need a few, potentially, you know, depending on what it is you’re selling and at what price point and what your goals are. And so on and so on. But we don’t need everybody, we just need good quality people around us, don’t we?
Simran Singh
Yes, as long as they are your target client and you have the ability to connect to them and to really solve their problems you will be able to grow a big business.
Jen Waterson
Yeah, OK, well I love that you have given me some steps here that we are going to go through today because I feel like sometimes when we’re talking about these things that are hard to wrap our heads around. As in really can, I really grow a big business with a tiny following with a small following? Well, yes, but let’s give everybody some step by steps that they can follow, or at least make sure that they’re implementing in their business on a daily, weekly, monthly basis.
Simran Singh
So step number one is to be persistent, consistent and determined. Now we start really with a mindset piece. I feel as though people hear the word consistent and so often they think it’s a buzzword, so they just dismiss.
But the new business owner really doesn’t I don’t believe understand the value of consistency until a few months in when they stop and realize the community that they’ve actually built around them, that they’ve actually been able to create flow in their content and in their business they’ve developed solid habits and they can actually start to build analytics around their activities
When I’m talking about persistence and determination as business owners, we have to deal with setbacks. It’s inevitable we deal with failures. We deal with challenges, but it’s about moving through them and being able to move forward regardless. When you put all of those combined, the persistence, the consistency, and the determination, that will really help you to develop that long-term business mindset. You need to build a business that does grow and strengthening these elements will help you to be able to pivot and adapt and maneuver your business to ultimately find.
These are all sort of traits that we need to develop as business owners to be able to find that path to success for us.
Jen Waterson
It it’s one of those things that it’s almost as if we need that constant reminder that we need to remain consistent and be persistent and be determined, and you know, it’s one of those almost like a mantra we could stick up on our office wall and you know, every time we’re feeling just a little bit like it’s all getting too hard or or just. I don’t want to post today or I just. I don’t think I want need to. I don’t feel like I want to do X or Y or Z today. Just having that mantra there just sort of give us a little bit of a slap over the face every now and then to say, OK well I promised I was going to be more consistent and I need to remain determined in order for that to make it to make that happen.
Simran Singh
Yes, it’s a keep going mantra. You can do it.
Jen Waterson
So number two I like this one.
Simran Singh
Number two, is know who you serve. Now I just a lot of new business owners guess they play the guessing game and then they wonder why their content isn’t gaining any traction and they aren’t building that community.
It just makes selling so much harder. It’s not impossible, I think because they aren’t hitting the mark with their with their communications with their offers. And really, how and where they’re showing up. So once you are actually able to learn about your ideal client and who you serve, you’ll realize that everything opens up. Your community will grow because they’ve attract, they that they’re more attracted to your content. You can create content that actually resonates with your ideal client.
You’re providing educational content that your audience actually needs. So it helps establish your authority and really helps boost your credibility and trust.
Jen Waterson
Yeah, do you have any practical ways for that people can sort of work through to sort of start to identify who they really do serve and even who they want to serve.
Simran Singh
Yeah, so it does start with knowing who it is that you want to serve and then getting in and speaking to your ideal client. So getting into Facebook groups where your ideal client hangs out. And engage with them directly, or just have a look at conversations that are taking place. It’s amazing what information you will find about your target audience in a Facebook group.
Chat to people in DMS, so get on to Instagram and find your ideal client and then just start a conversation and start recording everything down and you’ll really start to build out your ideal client avatar the more that you speak to people, and a tactic that I use is look at accounts that share similar content and have the same ideal client as you and just scroll through the comments on their posts and see what they’re talking about?
See the engagement that’s happening over there on that account and you will find a gold mine of information that will help you really build out your avatar.
Jen Waterson
Yeah, some great insights. I know a process that I went through early on in my business was to identify a handful of business owners that in my mind were my ideal clients and I actually approach these people and ask them if we could have you know quite an open conversation and recorded on zoom.
And we had a very open conversation about particular topics. You know financial related topics and the conversations which I thought would go for about 20 minutes, went for about an hour and they were the most amazing conversations I was able to ask. You know, just questions that I would never even thought about asking, but it was just having that open dialogue with these people I learned so much and then the because I had hit record and with their permission of course had hit record. I was then able to get it transcribed and used their actual words in my marketing going forward and all of this of course with their permission and not with their names and everything was confidential and so on of course.
It’s really speaking directly to your clients in whichever manner you can make happen. It’s priceless.
Simran Singh
Yep, and that’s so powerful like you’ve just mentioned, being able to use the words that your ideal client is already using. That is just incredibly valuable, and we’ll create sort of that. Stop the scroll, which is what you want. You want your audience to stop, scroll and they’re scrolling through a lot of content per day, but if they see something that resonates with them and it stands out to them, they’re going to stop and listen, and that’s ultimately what you want, and you can do that very easily by understanding their communications and the way they phrase words and terms, and you can just replicate it back and boom, the power in that.
Jen Waterson
Yeah, that’s great. All right 3 is establishing your authority.
Simran Singh
Right, yes, and being known for something. So yeah, we buy we all know our own habits. We buy from brands that we trust from brands that we connect with. And if it’s a service based business brands that we consider to be experts. So there are really two things to do to build that trust and connection. Establishing your authority and being known for something.
We really all want to be the go to person in our industry, so we need to stamp our claim by positioning ourselves as experts and become the trusted brand and in the early days it’s so important to get in front of our ideal client and demonstrate to them that we can help solve their problems. Like I said, that is what will stop the scroll and they will listen if they go. Oh, I can see. That is actually my problem and you are here to solve it. You’ve been able to identify what my problem is, and you’ve been able to provide some valuable tips on how I can, how you can solve their problems.
So I like to actually think of it in this way, the more authority you have on a topic, the more you stand out. The more people trust and respect what you have to say.
Jen Waterson
And you know the next step that comes with that. So while we’re talking about being known for something. In my world, I am beginning to be known as the go to person when it comes to pricing for services.
Now what you’ve just said there is we’re going and taking what it is that we are well known for and we’re putting it out there into the world, and that in turn in itself gives you the confidence that you need to actually price yourself and work with value pricing in your business to make sure that you actually get rewarded for it financially as well.
So you’re not only working and doing the things that you love doing and talking about the things that you love talking about potentially to the people you love working with, but you’re also putting yourself in this beautiful position where you can actually get paid really well for it as well.
Simran Singh
Love that yes exactly it. It is a confidence booster, isn’t it?
Knowing your worth and being able to talk about something that you know a lot about because for new business owners, I think they forget the vision. They might be focusing on the sale, whereas initially in those early days it’s about demonstrating you that you exist building up that band brand presence, but also saying why people should listen to you.
Once people start to see just how much you have to offer, you can price yourself accordingly.
Jen Waterson
It’s a something that we all aspire to but not something that we are all potentially consistent with.
I think so that you know looping back to #1 the consistency are in your decisions that you’re making every day to grow your business. And if you decide that too, you need to establish your authority and be known for something. Decide whether it’s going to be and be consistent and be persistent with it as well.
Simran Singh
What’s important to remember when it comes to being known for something.
Thing is, what you’re known for today doesn’t have to be what you’re known for tomorrow. It’s not something that sticks forever with your brand. You can decide that today you are known for one particular thing, but your business will evolve overtime. Your ideal clients will evolve as well, which means that you will ultimately change the outlook of your business and what it is that you’re known for. So it’s not something to get stuck up on and as it happened with me as well when I first started, it is a learning curve. To understand what you were known for. So you know when it comes to figuring out what you’re known for have a look at brands in the industry. Competitors who inspires you, even other industries, and see how what they’re doing. See what you resonate with and then see what makes you different. Your goal is to try and find that gap. That niche area that are you can fill.
Jen Waterson
That’s good advice. Number 4 claiming your space online.
Simran Singh
I feel like this is a really nice flow from positioning yourself as an expert and being known for something. So what does it mean by claiming your space online? It means that every piece of your online real estate, should clearly say who you serve, what you do, how you can help your ideal client, and information that makes it so clear to your target audience that you are their go to gal so you know it could be your website and Instagram. It could be any other space you own online.
But just making it clear what it is you do and claiming that space is yours.
I feel like a lot of new business owners forget or don’t appreciate the value in doing their bio on their Instagram or putting that little bit of extra detail in the services section or the about you section on their website. Optimize every single space that you have online so that when people do find you they’ll be able to clearly see that you are their person.
Jen Waterson
Do you know there’s something in what you’ve just said? There something that’s like a little bit of a pet hate of mine is when you’re in a Facebook group and in a Facebook group, you’re typically there as yourself, so I would be there as Jenn Waterson not simply smarter numbers. OK, so that’s how Facebook groups work, but and you get to you have these relationships with people or grow these sort of you know relationships with people in Facebook groups and you get to know the people that are commenting a lot and have like intelligent things to say.
And if you’re interested in something that somebody is saying and you click through to check out who they are or what their business is or what their background is you’re only taken to their personal page, which of course gives you no information. But on that personal page, the in the heading part I don’t even know what you call it. ’cause I’m not into Facebook and stuff like that, but there is a space there where you can put you know my business is simply smarter numbers or my website is simplysmarternumbers.com or whatever. It is just something so that if I’m interested in you and I want to see what it is that you do.
Through from a professional perspective, then I would love to be able to know what your business name is so I can look you up ’cause. Otherwise you’re just Jen Waterson who is in some random Facebook pay, you know, Facebook Group talking about random stuff. People can’t reach out to you. You don’t give them an opportunity to.
Simran Singh
I am so glad that you mentioned that actually the power of the personal profile on Facebook.
There’s so many small areas on the personal Facebook. Your profile that you can slot in so much detail and it will lead people exactly where you want them to go. Just as you’re saying so you can lead them to your Facebook page. You can lead them to your Instagram, you can lead them into the website it has so much detail there that is absolute gold because for those people who are in Facebook groups and I don’t know anyone who doesn’t engage in Facebook Groups at all.
But you need to be using your personal profile to do it, and I have had the exact same situation that you have as well. You go. They sound so interesting. I’ll just head on over to there and check them out and they don’t get any information. You’re seeing them on a holiday in Switzerland or you’re seeing them swimming in a beach and you’re like but I don’t know who you are.
Jen Waterson
You know it’s a wasted opportunity for that particular person and they have no idea.
Simran Singh
Yes, exactly. You’re not going to take that extra step to say fill out your details. I want to know more about you. It’s just gone. That opportunity is lost at that point for that person, so that is such a good point.
Jen Waterson
Definitely. Okay so that’s claiming your space online. Is there anything else we’ve missed there?
Simran Singh
I think that was that’s the main takeaway for that particular step, yeah.
Jen Waterson
Yeah, I think it really pays to sometimes walk away from all of your online space and then walk back in one day and look at everything as though you don’t know who you are and just you know, see how it looks. How does it read? Yeah, it’s a tough one and it’s something that we need to keep updated all the time, isn’t it?
Simran Singh
Yeah, I play with my Instagram bio all the time. To be honest it changes all the time and again it comes back to how you perceive your business where, what stage you’re at in your business, how you’re feeling about your business.
It’s not a static thing that can never be changed. You can change it whenever you like, just as long as those key details are in there.
Jen Waterson
Yeah great. Okay number 5 building community.
Simran Singh
Yes so this is so key for anyone that wants to grow a business. It doesn’t matter if you have. You know one follower or a million followers in your community. If you nurture your community effectively, you will have fans that will not only buy from you. They’ll also tell others about you, so you want to be focusing on building community. Of course, that is something that should be part of your activity, but it’s equally important to remember to nurture your existing community.
So many people get caught up in those vanity metrics and just increasing that follower count. But you have people who may be ready to buy from you right now, they’re watching you know, but they’re just not buying from you because you know you haven’t done anything to. Yeah, make them take that next step.
Jen Waterson
Yeah, it’s a good point. We can often get too caught up in the new fresh leads. The new fresh followers and you fresh everything and it’s so easy you work so hard to get the ones that you’ve already got.
So it’s really important not to just leave them hanging.
Simran Singh
You just don’t know who’s watching you. So I’ve had clients come to me and I haven’t spoken to them, ever. I have never. I don’t know them from a bar of soap, but they say I’ve been watching you for months now and now I’m ready to reach out to you. You have an offer. I’m ready to buy from you and I did not know that they existed prior.
They’ve just been lurking in the background and one day when I was talking about an offer that they were ready to make the sale, it’s just about knowing that they could be there and always just nurturing that community and not forgetting them and leaving them sitting idly.
Jen Waterson
Yeah, we were talking about this before we jumped on and started recording and it is so true. The number of people that come to us and work with us that we have potentially never heard of before but have been following us online in one way or another for an extended period of time.
Now these are not necessarily the people that are liking everything or commenting on everything that you do, but they’re still watching you know, and it’s important not to lose sight of that fact that there are potentially people out there that don’t ‘like’ stuff like I know for a long time before I really got into Instagram or even LinkedIn when I was on that a lot, I would never like somebody stuff. But I would definitely always follow them.
It kind of sounds a bit creepy, you know, like somebody following you away in the background there but not ever sort of showing their face. But some of us are just like that. And we’re no less a potential client for that fact, but I guess that’s the point, isn’t it? Is we just need to assume that there are people there because there will be people there.
Simran Singh
Exactly, and then when they’re ready.
But whatever stage they’re at, you are there with the right offers, with the right community, you’ve nurtured that relationship without even realizing it. They have that confidence and trust in you. And then they’re prepared to buy from you.
Jen Waterson
It’s an extraordinary phenomenon that until you experience it, you really kind of don’t really believe it that it happens, but it does. It happens. So yeah, it’s worth it’s worth considering. Don’t forget the audience that you already have.
Simran Singh
Exactly, and it’s so true that you know we definitely have to be connecting and engaging and talking to our audience, but there’s a large part of our audience that we’re not talking to, but are still watching us.
So continue sharing your story. Continue sharing that valuable content, and when they’re ready, your community will reach out to you.
Jen Waterson
Yeah, really important advice. Okay number 6 is creating traffic flow.
Simran Singh
Yes, so this is a really important one that I did not understand when I first started my business. Just hands in the air I completely just bow down to the fact that I didn’t really understand what creating traffic flow meant.
So what we don’t want is for people to sit idly on our social media. They follow us, they might engage. We might even be DM ING them, but our goal is to move our audience off socials and onto platforms that we own so an email list.
Now there’s two parts of why this is important. First of all, we don’t own our social channels, so at any point facebook could block us. Instagram could just delete our account and if we have our entire following sitting on that Instagram account, we will have to start from scratch. Number two by moving them along. We are developing the relationship further, with our target audience, we’re building that confidence that they have in us, and moving them closer to that sale
So they can only get to know us at one level on socials to really go deeper to nurture the relationship further with our ideal client and ultimately for them to buy from us, we need to keep the traffic moving along.
Jen Waterson
That’s a really good one, and I think I know that that’s where I let myself down. I’m really bad at you know getting people over onto my email list. It definitely happens. And it happens quite naturally, but I put zero effort into making it happen.
It’s perhaps just like a little bit of laziness or something. I’m not sure what it is on my behalf, but I don’t make it happen, and unless you force it and let people know that there is this other place that they can go to. They’re not, you know. You’re going to lose a lot of people, and you’re not going to necessarily reap the rewards that you could have otherwise. So I know that personally, that’s one of my weaknesses.
Simran Singh
Yeah, I do feel as though that was that’s the same for a lot of new business owners. They’re so focused on building that following on Instagram and doing all of the things that they need to do on socials that they either forget or they don’t know how to move their ideal client onto the next stage.
So whether that’s through an opt in so a freebie or a video training or something, it provides them with a higher transformation, more value, and that’s the key that’s the hook that that you ultimately want to be providing for them to move through that journey, further.
It’s called the customer journey so we can go through. They don’t know you from a bar of soap, and then more they get to know you and trust you and have that confidence in you they’ll go from cold to warm to hot and as they warm up they will more likely buy from you.
Jen Waterson
Yeah, and it’s actually gives you a really good opportunity. I know I’ve had some great conversations with people that have come over onto my email list and have hit reply to the emails that I’ve sent out, which again, another thing I’m really slack at doing is being consistent with my emails, so that’s my bad.
But you do get some really great conversations with people when they email you back and say, oh hey, this is this is really resonated with me and this happened to me in my business a little while ago and you get to engage with them at a completely different one on one level.
Simran Singh
Yeah, and that’s exactly it you do get to go deeper in your relationship and nurturing the relationship that you have with your ideal client. And ultimately they get a lot more from you the further that they move through that traffic.
Jen Waterson
And then the last one is number 7.
Simran Singh
The number 7 building the foundations. So when I say building the business foundations, I’m talking about setting up all of the nuts and bolts that will help you grow a long term business.
So once you have these in place, you’ll have a clearer picture of your business and you’ll see how the business pieces align and really work harmoniously together and feed off each other to help you grow your business.
So the foundations ultimately, that you’re putting in place today and you’re getting clearer about your business and your structure. That’s all helping support and prepare you for the lifestyle that you’re seeking. So we all started businesses for a purpose. Perhaps it’s a freedom lifestyle. Perhaps it’s to escape the corporate life. Whatever it is, we want to create a business that suits that lifestyle that we’re wanting. And by having these foundations in place, we’re better able to do that.
Jen Waterson
Yeah, something that I think is really important for us all to keep in mind that with we’re here in the day today sometimes feels like a bit of a grind.
But we’re here for a reason, and the reason that we’re here is usually something along the lines of that financial and lifestyle freedom that we’re after. And whatever that looks like for you or the next person and the next person could be completely different for each and every person. But ultimately, we’re here for a bigger reason a bigger purpose and all of the hard yards that we put in today, it’s all just yes, step by step building us up to a position where we can actually hopefully one day appreciate and live that lifestyle.
Simran Singh
Exactly, yes, exactly so, knowing your ‘why’ really does help shape your business who you’re serving and why.
So you know the steps that kind of make up those business foundations overlap somewhat with the elements that we’ve gone through, but they kind of they’re shaped this way so the first 1 is getting clear about what your business is this is for your benefit and for the growth of your business.
Number 2 knowing your ideal client, so that’s the ideal. That’s the overlap.
Number 3 being really clear about your brand.
Number 4 having the tools and tech in place to support you as you grow.
And number 5 Knowing your market so you know exactly how you can stand out and how to be different.
Number six getting clear about how you will be making money, that’s something you will know about Jen.
Number 7 putting in place a clear marketing strategy to help you really build your visibility, your community, and your authority.
Number 8 knowing how you will turn your potential client into a paid client.
Jen Waterson
That really does sum up all of the different elements in a business that need to be working together in flow, in order for you to really achieve the potential in your business.
Simran Singh
Yeah, so for me I think of a business as an ecosystem where all of the pieces need to work together to really work well and to grow and thrive.
Jen Waterson
It’s a really great way to think of it.
Well we have gone through so much stuff today but I feel like it’s digestible and I feel like it’s the kind of podcasts that any of you out there listening to will get some benefit out of rewinding and listening back over some of the some of the steps that we’ve gone through.
And thinking about them really, practically how it is that you can put this into your business. How it is it you can start to build your business by working through these steps 1 by 1 by 1 and maybe even giving yourself a grade out of 10.
You know how out of 10. How are you? How good are you with step number one? Being consistent and persistent and determined?
Out of 10, how good are you at knowing who you serve out of? 10 number 3, how well are you establishing your authority and being known for something? So I feel as though as somebody who’s potentially sitting here listening to this and thinking OK, well, that’s a lot of information. How do I get that into my business?
Hit rewind and listen again and get the notepad out and really have a think about what it is you’re doing in your business to maximize each and every one of these really important areas in your business.
Thanks so much Simran for sharing all of that. It’s been really helpful. I’m sure for a lot of people listening.
Simran Singh
Every so often go back to these seven steps because these are the foundational type elements that you should be looking at, not all the time. And you may just, you might feel overwhelmed at this point, but you might think, Oh my goodness, I can’t possibly be actioning every single element that we’ve gone through today. That’s OK, it’s totally fine.
It’ll come in time to find out how you can make your business better with these seven elements and then work your way through it. But what’s important to sort of leave as a takeaway is just knowing that it doesn’t matter what your size following is today, you can definitely land clients. You can definitely grow up to a big business and once you land one client or two clients, you know you’ve got a solid business in place to be able to grow further.
Jen Waterson
Yeah, that’s a great way to finish. I love the fact that we don’t need to hang around and wait and wait for, you know thousands of followers and big huge email lists and everything that goes with it that everybody else seems to talk about.
So let’s hope that maybe one day you’ll even get there. But let’s not focus too much on that. Let’s do all of the basics right to start with, and I think this is going to be a really great way for you to get started. Simran, where can people find you? Tell us about your website. Where is it that people can find you?
Simran Singh
I am on Instagram so my handle is simmering casing. It’s a very original business name. It’s actually just my name. I also have a blog which is a really great resource for new business owners. So head to simmeringcasing.co and you’ll be led through to my blog and you’ll find a wealth of resources there for you to really dive into.
So I have a free download available as well, which is the three easy ways to elevate your brand presence and land your first client. And this is a really tactical guide so it’s just very action based that you can actually read through it. It’s not very long and then you can start actioning immediately to help build your brand presence and really start elevating your visibility community and authority online.
Jen Waterson
And then ultimately your bank account.
Simran Singh
Exactly. Perfect oh I love it.
Jen Waterson
Thanks so much for joining us. I know that everyone is going to get so much out of this. I am looking forward to hearing any feedback that any of you have on all of this and how it is that you are able to build some of this into your business. Any success is that you have make sure you let me know because there’s some really exciting stuff here for you and I’m quite sure that Simran would be more than happy for any of you to reach out to her.
Absolutely thanks so much. Wherever you are in the world, have a fantastic week and we shall talk again soon.
Thanks for that Simron bye, thank you.